Thursday, November 5, 2009

Corgi Update

It has been a while since we posted. Corgi's 6 mos anniversary of her surgery will be on 11/12/09. She is back to her old sweet thing.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Corgi's last water therapy

Corgi had her last water therapy and also her final Vet visit. She passed with flying colors, unlike our health care reform. YIKES!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Tribute to our friend Steve Tracy

Our friends Steve and Gert Tracy will be moving to Canada next month. He is an accomplished artist and I just want to share some of his art work with you. We will miss them dearly.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Corgi's Playground

Corgi is doing really well, seven weeks after surgery.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Buried Treasure

Corgi is getting all better. Her hair has grown back, she is almost good as new. Brooke found a treat in the park and buried it. Corgi dug it up and took it home:

Buried Treasure

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Corgi Butts drive me nuts

Hello All,

As you can see, Corgi is doing much better, especially since her swimming therapy. She has gone several times now and it beginning to like it.

More later,

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Corgi's first swimming therapy on 6/21/09

Well, here is is. Corgi's first swimming therapy. She hates it. David thinks she loved it. NO WAY. I can see in her eyes how bewildered she is. She is going back on Sunday. She is walking a lot better and taking the stairs up and down now.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

There is a new high-end doggie day care in Lakewood, CO


Our Corgi is now in recovery from her hip dysplasia double sided FHO surgery. It has been five weeks and she is doing well except for her right hip which is still lagging. The Vet is adamant about swimming therapy. If you know anything about Corgis, they hate the water. Because of their short legs they will sink like a rock. Lo and behold, we found a business card for a place just opened in Lakewood, Colorado. It is a high-end doggie day care with hotel, swimming pool and even a store. If you live in that area you must see this place. Corgi has her first appointment on Sunday 6/21/09. I will have David take a video and post it by Monday. Check this out:
More later.
Marianne the

Monday, June 15, 2009

Corgis week five after FHO surgery

As you can see, Corgi is getting much better after her FHO surgery. The video speaks for itself.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Glimpse into Corgi's Journey

We put together a Powerpoint presentation for Corgi's before and after surgery. Her first outings in the park and more.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Here it is 3 weeks after Corgi's surgery. This is her first outing to the park. David is shooting the video. It hurts me to see Corgi hopping around, however, the vet says that she is not in pain other than her muscles and other stuff they cut which are of course very sore. She will have to learn how to walk all over again. This will be a long process. She is in good spirits, eats well and is starting to go up a couple of steps. Here is her walk in the park:

Corgis first outing in the park

It has been three weeks after surgery. She went to the park today for the first time. I am getting really concerned about Corgi's sister Brooke. She is limping just like Corgi did. I don't think we can go through another surgery. I am getting scared. We exhausted all of our funds for Corgi. $4,000 so far and the insurance company will not cover hip dysplasia for it is heredatary. One day at a time I guess.
More soon!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I am a nervous wreck

Hi all,

Well, Corgi is on her way to betternment. I am not. When I watch David manipulate her leg I get sick to my stomach. I can't stand to see her hurt. She is to start going up and down the stairs but she hasn't done so inside. She manages the porch stairs a lot better. She is starting to play with her sisters and David's socks. One of her favorite toys. They can't have real dog toys for they last all of 2 seconds. I am worn out from watching her therapy. Corgi is going in and out on her own now. Today it is raining. As soon as it stops David will take all of them to the park. They love it there. Talk to you soon

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The stitches came out today

Well, today the stitches came out. Go to the site under recovery to see photos of the process. She was a trooper. Didn't even cry. She came a long way in two weeks. The Doc put her back on Tramadil for pain for therapy is starting today as well. I am sooooo excited for Corgi. She will recover back to normal within three months. Her siblings went to the vet with Corgi. They love going to the vet's office. Go figure.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Corgi is doing much better

Thank the Lord, COrgi is doing so much better. She is out of her enclosure and walking around. Up and down her ramp and a little mean to her siblings. On Tuesday the stitches will be removed, hence the therapy begins. We are looking for a stock tank since we do not have a pool. Swimming is the best therapy, so the vet says. But this is for another day. They do love the water. She chewed on her incision a couple of days ago and I put some Neosporin on which healed it almost immediately. So far so good. Will keep you posted.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Corgi is not doing well

This is so dramatic. Corgi is not eating today. She seems flushed and lethargic. We are getting very scared. Today is day nine and there is no improvement. She hid under the porch yesterday. I have a call in to the vet. I am praying that she will snap out of this. I can't even concentrate on blogging.

Talk to you later


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

For the Love of Corgis

Well, today is 5/20/09 and Corgi is having a set back. She has been constipated for about 5 days now. She is struggling and really straining. Took her to the vet but he says no constipation. It is related to the surgery. Corgis have short legs and cannot support their weight is a certain position for too long. Now she is all depressed again. She can go down her ramp but not up. I wonder who the people are who claim that their dog recovered after a few days of surgery. Hogwash.

Please see previous entries and images of the surgery here:

More later


For the Love of Corgis

Well, today is 5/17/09 and it has been 5 days after Corgi's surgery. She refused her pain pill today. She is only on Remadyl. David was working in the yard and kept Corgi outside with him in her enclosure. David also started her therapy. Soon the staples will be removed. Corgi is so pitiful to look at, but seems to be in good spirits. She walks a few steps and sits down. Since the surgery was performed on both sides she has a hard time laying down. She seems depressed, understandably so. I need hip replacement myself but have to wait until I get my Medicare in another year. I can identify with Corgi and her pain. I thank God for her recovery.
Well, Corgi made it up and down her ramp for the first time. She is really constipated, from the antibiotics. Per vet's instructions, we gave her some rice mixed with a little oatmeal, a scrambled egg and a little Yogurt to get her bowels moving. David is giving her therapy. Just moving her legs up and down. Other that that, she seems fine.